General Support Services
Technical support for P2ware applications include:
- E-mail support
- Telephone support
- Remote support via Remote Desktop
We do our best to help our users successfully use P2ware software. Some examples of our support are:
- Answer questions about P2ware software functionalities, details, limitations, options and editions
- Answer questions regarding software and hardware requirements
- Provide analysis of application logs in order to help understand and fix any issue
- Help in customization of P2ware software: adding properties, formulas, changing editors and other built-in customization functionalities
- Provide product documentation
- Provide limited assistance in creating P2ware Suite plug-ins and integration with 3rd party applications
- Document and fix any software problems experienced by our users
P2ware technical support applies only to P2ware licensed software. We do not provide support for any 3rd parties’ software.
P2ware software can be modified by customers. However modification of P2ware templates and plugins in a manner not authorized by the applicable user documentation or provided support might limit P2ware from providing technical support.
Software Maintenance and Bug Fixes
At P2ware we do our best to deliver bug free software to our customers. We do that by state-of-the-art software design and testing prior to any software release. However it is possible that some of new functionalities may contain errors. We constantly fix bugs and release new updates to our software. Our users are automatically notified upon start of P2ware software, can check manually or can contact our support team in order to ask for information about available new releases.
Notifications about new products and versions
P2ware informs customers about new products and versions of P2ware software and publishes this information on P2ware website.